Absynth - One More Time


Album Cover

Thursday 15 December 2011

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

To answer this question, we decided the best way to present this video was through a group discussion so that we could all get the best out of each other. After planning the content that we wanted to talk to about we conducted a discussion where we explained how theories of Goodwin and Vernallis were applied to our video. We also talked about conventional influences from the musical industry, about how we challenged, conformed or developed them, specifically in relation to the dance genre or other female artists. The answer is broken down into four videos, the first two being about the music video and the last two concerning the website and album cover. We felt it was important not to script our discussion as wanted a natural conversation. Many of our shoots featured spontaneous shots, so felt that by not scripting we were playing to our strengths.

 Part 2

Spike Jonze director

These videos are two which particularly inspired us both featuring animal costumes, and filming in an observational style which relates to Goodwin’s theory of the notion of looking. This observational technique threw our audience into the music video, as it really gives the feeling of watching something like you were there. This is emphasised by the fact we filmed hand held for all our footage. the audience to feel as if they were walking along side the panda and experiencing the action first hand.

Mat Whitecros as Director

As I mention in the video, Coldplay inspired us to go through with the Panda idea which we came up with. After seeing how their use of animals worked, we were sure we could pull of it, taken inspiration for specific location shoots like the Underground one. (GIFs made by Jess Rich)

These bullet points offer a summary of The Music video Theorists,  Developing and challenging conventions.

Develop Conventions
• Not featuring artist in video (dance genre)
• Cutting to beat and jump cuts
• Variations in framing
• Dancing scene/routine in video (dance/pop genre)
• Pose questions to audience that are not answered

Challenges –

• Not featuring artist in video (Pop Dance e.g David Geutta and debut artists)/No lip synch
• Narratively based story line obeying rules of continuity (although we do also have plenty of discontinuity.

Theorists - These webcam entires show me applying to theorist's ideas on what is typical of a music video. There are many crossovers, between the two and a few between are group discussion. However, this is my individual response. 

• Andrew Goodwin

• Carol Vernallis

• Postmodernism, McGonagol - Everything about this theory is mentioned in the group discussion


We decided not to challenge website conventions in the same way that we did for our music video. The only main challenge is the fact that our artist heavily features on the front page, however, we wanted to reward our audience with knowledge when they visited the website. We felt that our target audience are more likely to like our product if it conforms to what they are used to, this has been done through the layout, general content and opportunities that the site offers.

Here is a brief summary of conventions we followed for the website.

Develop conventions

  • Dark colour scheme is cool and trendy
  • Social Networking - Interactive opportunities
  • Biography - allows connection to artist that was missing from video
  • Navigation bar - easy access which our target audience like
  • Merchandise - opportunities to buy into the brand 
There were two websites which especially influenced us in terms of building the website. 

Nero and DJ shortee. Both in our dance genre.

Album Cover

The album cover is where we take influences from other genres. Although a DJ we wanted Absynth to be the focus of her album cover as she is a debut artist. Most female artists feature with Close ups and this is certainly something we have been inspired by.

Beauty shots - typical of female artist

We also offer a beauty shot with Absynth, however, we still conform to the dance genre by connoting music through the headphones. This stands to show that music is the focus, wherever our artist goes, the music goes. A theme which we run throughout our marketing campaign.

Holding the headphones suggests she is indulged in her music i.e music is dominating

No artist - DJ

Sexualised image - female artists
  • No abstract art like some djs e.g Chase and Status  
  • Female artist who is not sexualised. E.g Rihanna

Develop Conventions

  • Music connotations from headphones
  • Female beauty shot
  • Direct address

  • conventional insitutional information on our album cover: e.g
Record Label and copyright


The video below answers question 1 in terms of the album cover

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